If you dreamt of getting mugged, would you be afraid to go out on the streets carrying something valuable? Well, according to research, yes, your dream would make you more aware of the situation and you are likely to carry less treasured stuff with you when you head out.
This is simply because our dreams have a lasting effect on us, and leaves a trace in our minds. You are more likely to think of the said scenario for the next few times you decide to go out and are likely to carry possessions that aren’t worth stealing.
But why does this happen, even when we are aware that it was just a fragment of our imagination?
Dreams are the Doorway to Our Psyche
Our dreams reveal the subconscious part of our brain, and whenever we are sleeping, while all our other senses are at rest, our subconscious part puts on a slideshow. People often say that dreams have hidden meanings, but that’s not the case. Dreams are problem-solving processes by our brains but instead of speaking in the language we are used to saying, the messages are conveyed through images.
Dreams are composed of whatever we go through during the day. They are compiled of the thoughts of our waking moments, mixed with our deepest horrors and feelings. Add stress to your life, and you are bound to end up with nightmares. Perhaps why you would dream of getting robbed in the first place. Because you are worried about losing a valuable object.
If we have a nightmare, the feeling still lingers in the morning. Seeing someone cheat on us or harm us in our dreams, make us suspicious of the person in context. On the other hand, having a good dream is something we often try to recollect in our waking moments. So, in all honestly, do dreams affect our daily lives?
People who tend to have good dreams usually have a good mood throughout the day, whereas the ones who don’t, the dismay is usually etched on their faces. The latter are usually angry and depressed whereas the former radiates an essence of happiness. So, how does each determine how we will spend the rest of the day?
How Do Good Dreams Affect Our Day?
People who have enough quality sleep are often blessed with good dreams. Hence, it is important to ensure sound sleep for healthy dreams. Yes, good dreams are healthy because they are beneficial for your personal development.
People who have sound sleep and good dreams not only have a good mood but also have a sharper sense of thought. This is because while sleeping, the brain functions to solve problems that are residing at the back of our minds. This in turn helps us to become sharper thinkers.
Recollection of Dreams and its Powers
Dreams are your brain’s inherent creativity which is suppressed during the day because of the stress we all have. However, people who seem to recollect their dreams during the day often display higher levels of creativity. This was most prominent in the works of Salvador Dali, who said the ideas for his surreal paintings stemmed from his weird dreams. Once the imaginative scenarios and thinking of dreams are incorporated into waking life, people show a wide array of creative insights.
While people urge others to “follow their dreams” what do you exactly think they mean? While our dreams may have underlying concepts, we often fail to grasp their true reality. Moreover, we tend to forget whatever we saw while our eyes were shut. Therefore, some artists often keep a dream journal where they record the objects in their dreams. Did you know that some writers also get a lot of writing dialogues from their dreams?
This is because dreams are a way of inspirational thinking. Hence, people are often advised to sleep on an issue, so that our brain may decode the problem and come up with a solution while the rest of our body is out cold.
Finally, one other great aspect of having good dreams, is that it helps people to consolidate memories. Dreams are often recollections of memories, and while our brains choose to discard irrelevant information of the day, they may prefer to show us a highlight of one of the thousand thoughts that crossed our minds.
Therefore, with a better recollection, and better creative insight, we look cheerful as the sun shines for a new day.
Effects of Nightmares and Bad Dreams
Now, switching over to the other side of the coin. First and foremost, why do we have nightmares in the first place? If anyone suffers from anxiety or has post-traumatic stress disorder, they are likely to have recurring nightmares about what they fear.
Do you wake up in the middle of a good dream? No, you choose to see it till the end, unlike bad dreams. Nightmares are dreams you wish to escape, and so, you wake up, with your heart pounding, and your shirt soaked with sweat. You find it difficult to fall back asleep again, scared of seeing the daunting dream again.
As a result, with the interruption of your precious sleep, the following day finds you tired and sleepy. You are more likely to be grumpy because of the lack of sleep and this means you will be in a foul mood.
How do you think that will pan out? You will lose focus easily and won’t find the temptation to work. You may be agitated and restless, and your thinking capacity will greatly reduce because your brain won’t function properly. Overwhelmed with lethargies, you will become highly unproductive.
Bad dreams will not only affect you during the daylight hours but may also hamper your nightlife. You might find it difficult to sleep for the next couple of days because no matter how you wish to have some shut eyes, your brain will be unwilling to let go of control fearing dozing off into the nightmarish world.
While good dreams ensure overall healthiness, recurring bad dreams can affect your mental and physical health. If the bad dreams persist, it’s better to shake up your lifestyle, add some positivity to it, and lessen the stress. But most importantly, don’t hesitate to ask for help from a professional in severe situations.