“Think positive!” is a phrase a lot of people say. But it’s really hard to do that under all the stress and anxiety that comes with our everyday life. There are just too many things to worry about – jobs, money, health, relationships, etc. Even if you don’t have depression, sometimes it feels nearly impossible to keep negative thoughts at bay. But it is possible to do that. Nobody deserves to feel tired, frustrated, stressed or...
Think about the following incidents: Someone cuts you off at an intersection; The shower water is too cold; Someone took the last piece of chicken; Your co-worker is tapping their feet; Your boyfriend left the seat up. These are very minor and simple things. But for some people, these minor things can be huge annoyances. If you feel that you are affected by simple things too much, then I am here to help you. Being affected by the simple things...
Whilst there is almost always a good and bad aspect to something, it is always better to let go of “things” when their negative aspects disproportionally outweigh the positive – it is even more so when the perceived benefits are temporal whilst the consequences are sometimes permanent and long lasting. This is the exact position the concept of “cancel culture” finds itself in, and it is the reason why“cancel culture” should be...
Our skins are very delicate and need to be catered for properly. We use a variety of skincare products, but are they really that beneficial or are there other natural means by which we can take care of our skin? While skincare products are quite helpful, they don’t solve all our skin problems. Some of the problems have to be dealt with ourselves by changing a few basic habits or taking necessary precautions. Hence, we came up with a list of...