Suits is more than just a lawyer-themed series. In the abundance of metaphorical expressions and lawsuits, embedded with a fine playlist and spectacular acting, Suits also emphasizes on life-lessons, most of which are hammered into our minds through repetitions of quote-worthy statements. In this article, we delve into the world of the lawyers in Pearson-Spector to highlight some noteworthy comments made by the characters that have resonated...
Think about the following incidents: Someone cuts you off at an intersection; The shower water is too cold; Someone took the last piece of chicken; Your co-worker is tapping their feet; Your boyfriend left the seat up. These are very minor and simple things. But for some people, these minor things can be huge annoyances. If you feel that you are affected by simple things too much, then I am here to help you. Being affected by the simple things...
If you dreamt of getting mugged, would you be afraid to go out on the streets carrying something valuable? Well, according to research, yes, your dream would make you more aware of the situation and you are likely to carry less treasured stuff with you when you head out. This is simply because our dreams have a lasting effect on us, and leaves a trace in our minds. You are more likely to think of the said scenario for the next few times you...
You can either say you are 30 years too old or 30 years young, however way you want to put it, but either way you have to admit that you have passed about half the average life expectancy, and it is high time to get your priorities straight. Life may be too short for some people but unless you learn to cut down on your bad habits and develop good ones, the thread will cut shorter. It’s never too late to start, and to start while you’re still...
Do you wake up every day planning to get through a bunch of work, only to log in on social media and losing track of time? Before you know it, a few hours have gone by while you were busy scrolling. Sounds way too familiar? If you’re failing to get things done and can’t even figure out how your time is being wasted, it’s time to reevaluate your choices. But don’t worry if you answered yes to all these questions because you aren’t the...