Find the Right Therapist- What to Look For in a Therapist.

As a human, it is impossible to feel our best all the time. Whether it’s due to a career failure, financial problems, relationships, or other traumatic events, we all face pressure, stress, anxiety, and other types of mental anguish at some point in our lives.

The majority of the time, we can recover. However, there may be instances when we require a little additional assistance.

It is completely okay to not feel our best all the time. But, it can be a real problem if we feel prolonged periods of sadness or overwhelming emotions. This can be extremely tiring and can even affect your quality of life significantly. After all, mental and physical well-being are interdependent.

Why is Seeking Help Important?

While it is great to be emotionally independent and not need any assistance, there is no shame in asking for help from someone.

Around 792 million people across the globe suffer from some sort of mental health disorder, ranging from minor to severe ones.

Another unfortunate fact is that most of these people don’t consider getting any treatment because of the stigma around mental health. Many people feel uncomfortable about opening up about their struggles.

Surviving with mental illness may feel like a constant battle. But receiving good treatment will make it much more bearable, enabling you to appreciate all life has to offer without your condition interfering.

Having your mental health condition treated will significantly increase your productivity. It has other long-lasting benefits too. You will have a better immune system and increased life expectancy.

Therefore, seeking therapy for mental health issues is critical, regardless of the type of therapy you choose. From medicine to counselling, there is a solution for everyone, and we want you to discover the best one for yourself so you may lead a better, healthier life.

When Should You Go To A Therapist?

  • You are feeling overwhelmed with emotions

When you are feeling things too intensely and having a hard time regulating these feelings, it can be a good idea to consult with a therapist. A therapist will help you figure out the factors leading you to feel overwhelmed and how to regulate these feelings.

  • Your productivity has decreased

Whether you are doing schoolwork or trying to meet the deadline of a project at the office if you are not able to perform effectively for quite a while- there might be underlying causes. Mental health issues can disrupt your focus, memory, energy, and many other aspects of your emotional health.

  • Your relationships are affected

Your mental health conditions can lead you to push people away unknowingly. You might be pulling back from close friends or family members or expecting too much from your partner. You can even feel insecure and project the negativity onto the people around you.

If you frequently find yourself in dispute with people or have difficulty communicating your emotions to others, a therapist can help you.

  • You are noticing negative physical changes

Mental health conditions are associated with many physical aspects. They may manifest through headaches, weaker immune systems, indigestion, headaches, and much more.

Losing appetite or decreased/ fragmented sleep can be one of the most prominent symptoms of experiencing mental health problems.  If you find yourself eating less than usual or sleeping fewer hours or more than you used to for an extended length of time, it may be time to get your mental health assessed.

  • You experienced trauma or you’re grieving

Whether it’s an accident, a breakup, a divorce, or the death of a loved one, dealing with the sorrow of any type can be a lengthy and difficult process. Particularly if you don’t have somebody to share your emotional weight with.

Those who have experienced physical or sexual abuse in the past, or who have not fully healed from another trauma, can greatly benefit from psychotherapy. For people who have suffered big losses in a short period, the agony is twice as terrible; and therefore can also reach out to therapists.

  • Substance abuse or unhealthy coping mechanisms

This is a no-brainer issue. If you are struggling with addiction or harmful behaviour patterns that harm you, you must seek professional help. Nobody can help you better than a therapist in this case.

How to Find the Right Therapist

Now that we have talked about why and when you should seek help from a therapist, let’s get to the most important part. Let’s say you have recognized the problem and want to get help to address it, you must find someone to help you in that journey.

Giving long background stories and context might be exhausting and waste your valuable time, which might even end up costing you more than you anticipated!

Here are some things you might consider before taking any help from the therapist:

  • Your Comfort Comes First

Choose a location close to your workplace or home. Find a suitable time to dedicate to your mental well-being. Your therapy sessions should not cost you extra hassle, just to be present on time!

  • Gender and Age

You should ask yourself which gender you are most comfortable sharing your problems with. Age group is also important. While some people find it more comfortable to confide with someone older, some find it easier to converse with a person their age.

  • Race and Ethnicity

It might be harder for you to express your feelings to someone from a different background as there are chances they might not be able to relate to you. However, therapists from all areas are trained to understand a diverse group of people.

  • Language

You might find it easier to communicate in a certain language. So, look for a therapist who counsels their patients in your preferred form.

  • Religion

This might seem like an unnecessary factor, but it is indeed quite important you find someone who most likely shares a similar religious view with you. While most therapists don’t emphasize religion, some might take a religious or spiritual approach.


In short, a good therapist will let you talk it out, make you a priority without frequently interrupting you, accusing you or compromising your privacy.

Time for Some Research!

What works for others might not work for you. So understand yourself, and make your desires clear.

For starters, it is critical to understand the different forms of therapy, including well-studied therapies such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and others.

Since not all psychological health providers are educated in all of these techniques, it is critical to inquire about a potential therapist if they specialize in your desired form of therapy.

Secondly, if your friend had a good experience with one therapist, doesn’t ensure you will too! Hence you need to check multiple reviews and get feedback.

We know going to therapy can be very expensive, but sometimes it may require you to visit more than one mental health professional in order to find the right fit for you.

What if Therapy Doesn’t Work for Me?

Therapy does not always provide immediate relief. Even under the best of circumstances, symptoms might take months to improve.

A lot of factors determine how successful your treatment is. There is no one-size-fits-all system.

Having a bad incident with a certain therapist or a particular form of treatment might make it difficult to try another. However, it is important to keep in mind that almost all kinds of mental health problems can be treated. Some can even be cured completely. You just need to find the right approach and the right doctor!

It might be beneficial to seek out a therapist that specializes in what you’re going through. If you do not have a diagnosis, you can discuss your symptoms with possible counsellors.

An ethical therapist will inform you if they are capable of treating your issue. If they are unable to do so, they may be happy to recommend somebody who is. Also being patient with your therapy is important. Don’t give your hopes up right after a few attempts.

However, you must remember that there are certain boundaries your therapist must not cross. For example, they must not share private information about themselves with a patient.

Final Words

While there are many factors that make someone a good therapist, you must remember that you deserve to feel safe and comfortable around them. You should not feel judged or blamed for your problems by any of the therapists.

Most importantly, you should feel comfortable sharing all of your problems without hesitation, an engaged therapist is better equipped to assist a patient in achieving the best possible results.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

14 thoughts on “Find the Right Therapist- What to Look For in a Therapist.

  1. Do you have any suggestions on a good place to start my research as to what type of therapy would be best and where to get it? Thanks.

  2. Do you have any suggestions on a good place to start my research as to what type of therapy would be best for me and where to get it? Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
    P.S. I sincerely love what you guys do here I’ve gotten some really eye opening realizations from your work and I’m sure I’m not the only one so for that I thank you, keep up the great work. Bear C.

  3. Well I’ve been seeing a really good psychologist for some time now. There’s been a lot going on for me. It’s too much to explain, but my new G P now wants me to see a Psychiatrist. So I’ll just have to wait to go thru the public system.

  4. L,s

    Heb de afgelopen 15 jaar al heel wat Therapeuten en Medisch Specialisten bezocht. Heeft me veel Geld en Tijd gekost.

    Als je door Gezondheidsproblemen niet meer kunt en mag Werken en je moet Leven van een minimaal Inkomen en als je alleen als antwoordt krijgt van de Therapeuten en Medisch Specialisten als je weer na zoveel Consulten die je telkens weer veel geld kosten te horen krijgt ik kan u niet helpen en u zult met u gezondheids problemen moeten leren leven verdwijnt de Levensvreugde die men zou moeten hebben steeds meer naar de achtergrond.

    Doordat je elke dag geteisterd wordt door Pijn en een opeenstapeling van problemen op Financieel gebied hebt die je Psyche belasten wat weer zijn terugslag geeft op je Klachten is het Leven verre van prettig.

    Daarnaast komt nog dat je geen begrip en empathie krijgt van je Naasten en zogenaamde Vrienden.

    De therapeuten en dat zijn er vele op allerlei gebieden die ik bezocht heb zitten er alleen voor zichzelf en vragen en berekenen gigantische bedragen voor hun consulten en denken allemaal dat ze Specialist zijn maar proberen hun agenda zo vol mogelijk te krijgen en te houden om hun inkomen zeker te stellen.

    Heb vele wegen bewandeld om van mijn klachten af te komen maar het heeft helaas niet mogen baten en zal er mee moeten leven dat het mijn lot is.

    M.v.g Leon van Kuik

  5. You are right
    And I don’t know what can I do
    I am losing all the opportunities love
    And I feel that all the time is wasted and I am living unfairly life and I also don’t know what to do

  6. Where can I find a good therapist in Abu Dhabi who can be empathetic,at the same time doesn’t cost much .gender is not a problem .I am a single mom .

  7. Please do you know any good one in düsseldorf Germany,sufuring from family emotional break up with two kids, don’t know what to do.

  8. This article was somewhat of sign…seems it just appeared. I do believe it is time to reach out… great article….thank you!

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